
Expand your hosting plan

Our web hosting packages are generous from day one, but sometimes you might still need to expand your account with additional services. All additional services listed below can be activated directly by Loopia customer zone. Activation is immediate and services can be used at once.

Additional services

Below are the prices for our additional services. All prices are listed excluding VAT. We apply 30-day billing. If you are interested in our web hosting prices, click here.

Additional services Price
Extra MariaDB database 23.2 SEK/mon
Extra MS SQL database 31.2 SEK/mon
Extra FTP account 24.6 SEK/mon
Extra storage (1 GB) 135.2 SEK/mon
Extra traffic (1 GB) 23.2 SEK/mon
Restore from backup 0,00 SEK
Send newsletters From 0,00 SEK/mon
LoopiaVPS 279,20 SEK/mon
Let's Encrypt SSL Included in hosting packages
Rapid SSL 320 SEK/year

Send newsletters

Get a Newsletter is a simple and effective tool for e-mail distribution that is included in all our hosting packages and LoopiaDNS. If you have more contacts or want to be able to send more emails than those included, you can upgrade your subscription according to your needs.Read more here »

Extra FTP account

If you want to let others access your web space using FTP, but at the same time protect parts of your account, you could use additional FTP accounts. When you add FTP accounts you specify what folders and subfolders that should be accessible.

Extra MariaDB database

Your hosting plan includes 25 to 50 MariaDB databases by default.

Extra traffic

If you need more than the standard amount of monthly traffic, you can easily add extra GBs of traffic to your plan. The traffic is divided between web, e-mail and databases.

Extra storage

If you need more space than that which is included by default you can buy this. Extra space is allocated freely between the website, e-mail and any databases.

Restore from backup

We take daily backups of all data in your web hosting account. You can easily restore a backup through our customer zone. It's fast, easy and absolutely free.


If you add funds to your LoopiaPREPAID account, you can order domain names for immediate registration, or products that normally require prepayment. In addition, you can reduce the number of invoices you receive significantly.

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