
Your rights as a user of Loopia's services

You are entitled to receive information from us about the processing of your personal data and what the purpose is when we are data controller.

The information below is a summary of how we fulfill your rights regarding your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Loopia has a data protection officer that is responsible for data protection issues. If you have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

Right to information

You have got the right to request an excerpt of your personal data where you specify what information you wish to receive.

Right to rectification

If you find that personal information we store about you is incorrect or missing, you are entitled to request that we adjust or complete the information. Once the adjustment is completed we will notify any partners and subcontractors that are also affected by the adjustment.

Right to deletion ("the right to be forgotten")

You as a customer have the right to have your personal information deleted if...

  • ...the data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • ...you revoke your consent for data that has no other legal basis.
  • ...the data processing purpose is direct marketing and you oppose the processing.
  • ...you oppose legitimate interest as a legal basis and there is no other legal basis that is stronger.
  • ...the personal data have not been processed according to GDPR.
  • ...deletion is required to fulfill a legal obligation.

The exception is personal data required by law, such as invoice information that is saved as long as required by the Accounting Act.

When deletion is completed, we will also notify any partners and subcontractors affected by the adjustment.

Right to restriction (from 25-05-2018)

In some cases, you may request that the processing of your personal data should be restricted. The restriction means that the data is labeled in a way that only allows processing for certain limited purposes in the future.

  • When you believe that your personal data at Loopia is incorrect and has requested adjustment or completion, you may request that processing should be restricted while the adjustment is being investigated.
  • If the processing of your personal data is illegal, but you oppose the removal of the data, you may instead request a restriction of use.
  • When Loopia no longer processes the personal data for the purpose of the processing, but you need them to determine, enforce or defend legal claims.
  • When you have objected to processing while waiting for verification regarding if Loopia's legal reasons are stronger than your justified reasons.

When the restriction expires, you should be informed accordingly.

Data portability (from 25-05-2018)

In some cases you may have the right to obtain and use your personal data elsewhere. For example, another hosting or domain provider.

This applies when you ...

  • ...shared the data yourself with Loopia.
  • ...submitted your consent for the data processing.
  • ...the data processing is required to provide the services you ordered from us.

This does not apply when we process your data ...

  • ...because of legitimate interest.
  • ...due to legal obligation.

Loopia is obligated to facilitate the transfer of your data.

Right to object

You have the right to object to Loopia's processing of your personal data if the processing is performed…

  • ...to perform a task of public interest.
  • ...as part of an authority exercise.
  • ...because of legitimate interest.

If Loopia opposes your objection, we need to be able to show reasons that are stronger than your interests.

When it comes to processing regarding marketing, you are always entitled to object to the processing at any time.

Automated decision making

You are entitled not to be the subject of a decision based solely on any form of automated decision making, including profiling, if the decision may have legal consequences for you or affects you with similar significance.


If you believe that we process data about you in violation with GDPR, you should notify our Data Protection Officer as soon as possible. You can also file a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Request indemnity

If you suffered damage due to your personal data being processed in violation of GDPR, you may be entitled to indemnity. You can then file a claim for indemnity to our Data Protection Officer or prosecute in court.

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Mon-Thu: 9 AM - 6 PM / Fri: 8 AM - 5 PM Weekends: 11 AM - 3 PM